Giving Shape to "Friendliness"
Ever since Chuoh Pack Industry was founded, we have continued work on our "corrugated-cardboard operations", constantly striving to create innovative technologies and improve services. Seeking new packaging materials, we went on to establish our "chemical-product operations" in 2008, and 2016 saw the launch of a “new business”.
With these three business operations, we deliver high-quality products and services that meet our customers' needs.Furthermore, we are contributing to society as a recycling-oriented company with earth-friendly business processes that take recyclability into account, right from the manufacturing stages.
Corrugated-Cardboard Operations
Continually leading the industry since the company's inception, this is Chuoh Pack Industry's core area of business. We develop and efficiently manufacture products precisely matched to the customer's needs utilizing advanced production technologies that enable manufacturing of large-size products with complex packaging designs, along with flexible production lines capable of diversified, small-lot production. In addition, in further developing the possibilities of highly-recyclable corrugated cardboard and expanding the scope of its use, we are helping to create a recycling-based society.
Chemical-Product Operations
Featuring another mainstay product, our chemical product operations were initiated in 2008 in response to the rising demand for new forms of packaging. Integrated production of our Capsheet (bubble wrap packaging material) extends from the small plastic pellets used as raw material to commercialization of the finished product.
New Business
Since 2016, we have been working on a new business area with the aim of expanding the market to general consumers, spreading the word about the attractions and possibilities of corrugated cardboard through means such as providing packaging materials
designed to meet the customer's needs, developing new products that transcend the concept of packaging, and exhibiting at various events.
→For more details
New Business
We also handle proposals and sales of new packaging that fuses function and design, along with development and sales of display products featuring superior design qualities. Moreover, we support small-lot production, with no need for stamping or wooden forms.In addition to packaging materials, we also design a variety of other products to meet particular applications, so please feel free to consult us about your needs.
- ■ Development of Products for Gift-Giving
Lift-Up Carton
Rehabo Mirror Therapy
Cardboard Horse
- ■ Event Planning/Booth Design
Nagoya Grampus
Fan Appreciation Day
(Toyota Stadium)Leaf ECO Expo
(Leaf Walk Inazawa)
Electronic Disclosure Notices
- ○ Statutory Notices
Statutory notices from Chuoh Pack Industry Co., Ltd. may be viewed through the electronic disclosure service operated by Pronexus Inc.
[ Pronexus Inc. ]
- ○ Public Announcement of Financial Statements
In accordance with provisions of the Companies Act Article 440 (4) rescinding the obligation to provide financial notices for the companies offered by securities companies, Chuoh Pack Industry Co., Ltd. no longer posts these notices.However, our securities reports can be viewed using the Electronic Disclosure System operated by the Financial Services Agency.
[ EDINET Electronic Disclosure System ]